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Our Media Center

Welcome to the Hidden Lake Primary School Library Media Center (LMC). 

Please help your child find time to read daily. Establishing a common time to read will help your child develop a good reading habit.  Talk to your child often about reading and books.  Read together.  It is important for intellectual development, and it will be quality time spent together.

Digital Citizenship is very important in today's technology-rich environment.  Help your child navigate the world of internet access and social media safely and responsibly. 

Click here to see digital citizenship lessons by grade level: 

I use the website (above) and teach lessons to students. 

A fun introductory activity is to take an internet safety quiz.  This quiz will help you see where your child stands.  Younger students will need help.  Grades 3-6 should be able to take the quiz independently.  Use the quiz as a springboard for productive conversations about digital citizenship. At the end of the quiz you will be taken to the website, where you can find other resources.